Tuesday, February 26, 2019


Tracy LOVED Salt and Vinegar potato chips.  She ate them all the time. Her favorite were Salt and Vinegar lays. She devours almost a full bag of them every two days! She brings them to school in her lunch, for snack, and never shares them with anybody. What a selfish person, am I right?  Then one day at school, Megan took a chip out of her lunch when she was in the bathroom. She loved them so much she brought them every day, and when Tracy noticed, she got mad. Tracy tried one of Megan's chips and her reaction was, "The Vinegar is too sharp!"

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Once upon a time there was a boy named Felix. And he
LOVED his stuffed bear Buddy.
Felix brought Buddy everywhere. On errands, to the store,
to bed, and practically everywhere else.
One night Felix's mom came to say goodnight. His mom
needed to ask him a question. She said, "Felix, are you
ever going to give Buddy away?" Felix sat there in
shock from the question. He replied, " NEVER! I love
Buddy and you can't take him away from me!"
His mom came in a year later and said
"Hey Felix, wanna give Buddy away?"
"Yeah! Get that gross thing away from me!"

Drawing One day there was a girl named Mia. She LOVED to draw. And Mia could draw anything under a minute. So one day Carl came over to her ...